Wednesday, December 23, 2009

stuff i like

Let's do some facebook digging, shall we?

I am a fan of:
Papa John's Pizza
"Once there was an ugly barnicle. He was so ugly that everyone died."
I bet people from the USA can reach 1 million before the UK do!
Gay Rights
Barack Obama
Rocket Power
All That
Flight of the Conchords
the fact that Chad Ochocinco wasted $4 Million on an incorrect name change
Wizard Rock
I hate when you get to school and a flock of walruses are invading again
Phyllis Lipovsky
The Screaming Chocolate Guy
Margo Roth Spiegelman
Alex Carpenter
Cornelia Funke
Gordon James Ramsay
community channel
Jenny Davidson
Maureen Johnson
John Green
Rick Astley
Highlands High School Marching Band
Declan Galbraith
Taylor Swift
My Chemical Romance
GivesMeHope (GMH)
Trek Yourself I don't know what this is. Not a clue.
Write or Die : Dr Wicked's Writing Lab
Friend Facts tm

Yeah. That sounds about right.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

What did people do in the nineties if they didn't listen to power pop?


Friday, July 10, 2009

In Which Ree Doesn

Perhaps it's about time to write about my family. I have a mother; her name is Bazi. I also have a long lost twin lover named Suzie.

My mother is a fabulous woman really. She may or may not be suffering from an addiction to fanservice manga, but her support group is helping her with this. Well, kinda. She's a dedicated dance teacher who valiantly has tried (by which I mean, failed) to teach me the Hare Hare Yukai. She's the kind of person you want by your side when spilling secrets, when crazy dancing, and while having a total spaz about a stupid scary story in the middle of what may be a haunted forest. (In the middle of the night, sleeping on the ground, with the spiders.)

My long lost twin lover and I rekindled the old flame while biking down a winding road on a day when the cosmos had a very tricky hand in fate. She's pretty fantastic, in the most unusual ways. One of her greatest talents is eye poking and messing up contacts. If it were an olympic sport, she'd show them all. She has an affinity for asians, which hurts, because I am definitely not an asian. She's got cool shirts and a cooler house and an even cooler top hat which she lets me wear. She's the best person ever to compete with while waiting tables. (By the way...I cheated. I went to get stuff before they held it up. *hides*)

You guys are as cool and intense and fun as the Renee story.


Friday, June 5, 2009

6 AM: Wake up. It is too early. The sun is not even awake yet. Why am I awake? Because I have been FORCED.
7:30 AM: Get a ride to school. I am offered a ride home. I politely decline, I already have a ride. Of this, I am sure. Ride home: check.
8:30 AM: My first exam. History. I am feeling very confident. I am rocking this exam.
8:55 AM: Am pulled out of exam to listen to speech about trustworthiness. I wonder if this is a sign from God. Go back to rocking exam.
9:40 AM: My second exam. French. I am not rocking French. The Lion King is playing on the tv and I must stop now and then to sing.
10:30 AM: I finish. B+ I go upstairs to see a teacher to pick up my speech paper.
10:31 AM: Teacher is not there.
10:32 AM: I call the number I was given for when I was done so I could be picked up. I get a woman named Kelly. I call again. I have it right this time, I know. I get Kelly. This cycle repeats several times over the course of an hour.
Later: I am walking around outside. I go to several friend's houses. No one is there. Anywhere. I have no phone. I know no one's numbers. I am stranded.
I eventually spend my last dollar on a soda. I go outside with the soda. I spill my soda. I cry inside.
I spend HOURS aimlessly being. I finally find a friend who is home. They leave. They let me watch their tv while they're gone. I notice hours later that there are cars at the school. Why are there cars at the school? It is not time for people to be leaving. I go investigate. People are leaving early. My last chance for a ride is GONE. GONE GONE. and then I find Micki.

Micki! Her family drives me home, and my life does not suck.

My friend Micki is awesome.

(This is only about half of what happened, it is a VERY long story.)


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fscking Jacket

I've tried this joke about a hundred thousand times.
No one ever laughs.

Monday, April 27, 2009


All I know is that YOU haven't nominated yet.

Get on it!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Revealing of the Sekrit

It is time for you to know the truth. We have been plotting an end of BEDA bash. A total party. And you, yes you, are invited. We've run this past MJ, and it's totally going to happen, so think big, think big guys.

We've got different categories for you to nominate your favorite BEDA blogs and vlogs for super awesome awards! In your nomination we need you to give us the ning name and a link to whatever you're nominating. You can only nominate one person per category, and that person cannot be MJ. It's sad, but she'd win everything! Send it in to

Prizes are involved!

Overall (nominations can be either Blogs or Vlogs):
Most Random
Most Informative
Most Insightful
Most Hysterical
Best Commenter
Best Comment

Blogs (nominations can be only Blogs):
Best Blog
Best Person At Integrating Visuals Into Blog e.g. Pictures, Video

Vlogs (nominations can be only Vlogs):
Best Vlog